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One Startup’s Insurance Journey: Formation to Acquisition 

How many companies grow 500+ employees and get acquired for $200M+ in less than 2 years? We only know of one in recent Austin history. This startup’s journey from formation to acquisition from an insurance perspective is a great example of a desired client journey despite being extremely condensed. Our goal is to help other[...]
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Insurance Mindset Shift for Startups

What Do I Need to Have vs. What Should I Have?  Creating a tech company from scratch is a process that will often be equated to a wild ride regardless of the outcome. In the early days, the insurance mindset is drastically different than when the company matures. Somewhere along the way an epiphany happens[...]
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Insurance Policies Your VCs Want Post Funding

The primary reason we receive inquiries about insurance is a funding event. Many founders typically don’t think too much about Directors & Officers (D&O) and Key Person Life Insurance until they get a term sheet. In this month’s blog, we share some insight on which insurance policies VCs require and why.  What/Why Do They Want[...]
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What Is International Insurance and Does Your Business Need it?

If you’re like me, you’re out there watching TikTok videos or working with remote teams without a care of where in the world they are. But, when it comes to your business insurance, country boundaries are very important and make a huge difference as to when something is covered and when something is not covered.[...]
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